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Doktoratsprogramme Linguistik

PhD Programs Linguistics

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The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences offers two subjects for students pursuing a linguistic PhD:

  • Linguistics
  • Computational Linguistics and Phonetics

The unified subject Linguistics encompasses all fields and sub-fields of German, English, Romance, Slavic, and Comparative Linguistics, including Indo-European Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, and others. Students of Computational Linguistics and/or Phonetics choose the combined subject Computational Linguistics and Phonetics.

Information on obtaining a doctorate at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are to be found on the website of the Graduate School.

For organisational and administrative questions, in particular regarding the two linguistic PhD programs, please contact the PhD coordinator Dr. Sascha Völlmin.

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Weiterführende Informationen

PhD Colloquia Linguistics

Linguistic Courses